Friday, May 4, 2007


What's in a name? Mystery, I'd say, when it comes to the group names of Pop stars. There's Panic! At the Disco (huh?) and I didn't know a disco still existed in this day and age. (Why not Panic! At the Club, to keep up with the times?) Kings of Leon is interesting, but are they royalty? My favorite of all would have to be OK Go. Not sure what it means, but I have a theory about this one...

Perhaps the guys constantly met with A&R reps or other industry types that wanted to hear them play. Perhaps they didn't have an official name for the group. Perhaps after asking the group what their name was or what they were going to play, the industry rep said, "Okay, go." And the band played. If I heard that repeatedly and didn't have a name for my group, that just might stick and fit.

While I don't always get the names of some of today's popular groups, I always try to figure out what could have been going through the group member's minds when they decided on their name. I happen to like each of these groups, and while quirky at first, I ended up loving the treadmill concept OK Go used in the "Here We Go Again" video. When I first saw it, I said to myself, "Ok..." After seeing it again, I replied, "Ok." And after watching a live MTV performance, I said what my ficticious A&R rep would've said, "Ok, Go!"

And the pun is defiinitely intended.

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